
Swallow Falls State Park-September 2013

Breaking the Silence


Ohm ©ceciliablue 2013


I guess you can say I took an unexpected break from blogging since the holidays…and I can’t pinpoint exactly why. I just stopped. “Blog” is still on my daily to-do list but I just haven’t made the time; to be honest I’ve been dreading it a bit.

Now here I am, sitting in 2014 scheming and dreaming…and trying to not feel (not sure if guilty or bad are the right words)…odd maybe? Regardless of the reason, I can’t let a lapse in time dictate all of this. I’m breaking the silence. I’m back. If you’re here to ride along with me…that’s awesome! Because 2014 is going to be just that.

…and I know; I owe you a few good stories over here. They’re coming!

xo Cat!